Friday, April 16, 2010

New Photos (handmade jewelry)

So my hand model came in town and agreed to be photographed for/by her favorite sister! She was even awesome enough to mess with them some in Photoshop Elements. What do you think? Here's the photos we took but I have a lot more boring simple ones I'll put up in a few days. Once I have documented all my rings I'm opening an Etsy shop! The name will change (because how boring is Jessica's Jewelry?), and I will be selling more than just rings. See those awesome cowl's around my sister's neck? We made them! I'm going to try to put a tutorial up on those cowls because they weren't my idea, however I know a lot of people out there would much rather just buy them than try to make them on their own. I also have some really cute pendents I'm making this weekend and some fun headbands! I love to create and I figured I would just go for it and have fun!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

I Won!!!

From time to time I enter giveaways on other blogs.  I ACTUALLY won!!!  I'm so excited and just had to share!  It is from one of my favorite blogs ever called Flea Market Style... check them out!

I won this beautiful rose print!  I have big plans for my room and this will look beautiful in it!  I can't explain how excited I am :)